Наше официальное Стратегическое Предложение

Сообщение опубликовал пользователь Dr. Nikolay baron von Keler
29.06.2023 в 20:16



Dear Sirs!

We officially offer you the following:

1. Officially register our Strategic Partnership with your participation (State Company or Construction Company with a Government Mandate) in our Business in the amount of 25% +1 share (Blocking Stake). OUR STRATEGIC OFFER IN THE APP!

2. As a Technology and Business Owner, we make you our official Strategic Partnership Offer to implement Strategic Energy Investment Projects in the World, on our unique terms - the Strategic Partner does not have to invest 25% in each Strategic Energy Project implemented by our Group in the World.

3. We have the necessary financial resources to organize normal financing for the implementation of our Strategic Energy Projects in the World.

We do not need your investment in our Projects!

4. We need a Strategic Partner to manage all the Implementation and Operation of our Strategic Investment Energy Projects in the World. As our Strategic Partner you will be able to really manage the huge energy resources in the World, huge financial resources in the World and receive huge political capital in the World!

5. As officially written in our Strategic Proposal, after signing by the Parties of the “Final Partnership Contract”, the parties insure their risks with First Class International Insurance Company for the duration of this Contract.

6. Before the expiration of the “Final Partnership Contract” and the “Insurance Policy”, the Second Capital Issue of our Exchange Holding will be carried out - the expenses of the Parties will be officially reimbursed and the real cost of the expenses for the Organization of the Partnership will be paid and, as an intermediate result, the Market Price of the Strategic Partner Owned "Blocking Shares" will be more than 30 Billion Euros.

7. Good advice - PLEASE read my documents very carefully and try to understand them.

Please tell me your real contact details: E-mail, Skype ID, Phones.

Looking forward to your understanding, URGENT REPLY and long-term successful cooperation.

Best regards,

Dr. Nikolay Baron von Keler

President & Chief Executive Officer & Group Owner

E-mail: nikolay.von.keler@gmail.com

Skype:   vonkelernikolay@gmail.com

Керимов  Сулейман Абусаидович
Сулейман Абусаидович

Член Комитета Совета Федерации по Регламенту и организации парламентской деятельности, Представитель от законодательного (представительного) органа государственной власти Республики Дагестан

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