Why attacking Ukraine when you could take other measures?

Сообщение опубликовал пользователь R. Eristavi
03.03.2022 в 14:30

Dear Minister Lavrov, 

We Europeans are scared of Russia as we seem to feel agressions. Ukraine is another example. We need to be sheltered by powers that can guarantee our freedom and our democracy without being influenced by any of external powers. I don't think that Europe seeks to be enemy with Russia rather be friends as we all together share Eurasian Soil. 

It is clear That US Dollar as currency is the damage to global wellbeing outside the USA, therefore, why Russia didn't ban US dollars as a currency at this stage of Collapse in the western "US Economy" during this Post Covid times? Right now, Ukraine became the victim of this western chess game, and checkmated Russian relationship with EU and 99% ot all other nations. Please don't be missunderstood Europes position, Europe will never ever tolerate war on European Soil just like Russia or any other country. 

I am not in the position of discussing these complex issues as I am not a politician, however, I am European Citizen and always looked forward with majority of our fellow Europeans to have Russia as part of our proud nations instead of US Cracked Capitalism system that brings this unrest every now and then. 

If not the war in Ukraine we all knew about the Collapse of US economy. And now Russia is a bad brother for this misslead path Mr President Putin took toward own brother nation. At least we see it this way. We protest it and we don't want this to be happening. Nor we ever wanted to have Russia as our Enemy. We wanted trust, friendship, engagement in mutuality. 

Thank you and kind regards.

R. EristaviBelgium

Лавров Сергей Викторович
Сергей Викторович

Министр иностранных дел Российской Федерации

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